This year has marked some historic milestones. As a nation, we have voted to leave the European Union, committing ‘Brexit’ to the lexicon of a generation, The US election result shocked a huge number of people the world over. Savers saw the Bank of England slash interest rates further, causing some commercial banks to follow suit. As a business, our flagship investment product, our True Potential Portfolios, reached a total of over £1 billion invested in September, a month shy of the anniversary of their launch, with this number sharply rising to £1.3 billion by early November.

As we reach the official anniversary of our True Potential Portfolios, we can share their 12-month performance figures and illustrate just why advisers and their clients have invested their trust, and their money, with us. The positive performance of the Portfolios, is testament to the strategies that we employ in their composition.

We’re very proud to share the annual percentage growth with you today:

Annual Percentage Growth

Portfolio 30th Sept 15 – 30th Sept 16
Defensive Portfolio  8.33%
Cautious Portfolio  11.57%
Cautious + Portfolio  10.57%
Cautious Income Portfolio  12.70%
Balanced Portfolio  14.22%
Balanced + Portfolio  15.72%
Balanced Income Portfolio  14.39%
Growth Portfolio  17.87%
Growth + Portfolio  15.57%
Aggressive Portfolio  19.88%

What We Had to Say

“Performance is an outcome and is highly dependent on good quality ingredients mixed in the correct proportions. We partner with world class investment managers and use our research and technology to blend our funds into Portfolios to lower cost and with optimal returns. Helped along by positive market conditions we are extremely pleased that investors have enjoyed strong returns right across all of our 10 True Potential Portfolios.”

Colin Beveridge

Chief Investment Officer, True Potential Investments.


Our True Potential Portfolios are now a year old and each month adviser demand for these highly diversified investments grows, to have over £1.3bn invested in the first 12 months is outstanding. Behind each of the ten Portfolios are investment teams around the world each day seeking out opportunities to help clients hit their investment goals, whether they are seeking capital growth or, increasingly a regular monthly income. Using the combined resources of world class managers and our technology we have delivered great results. My thanks go to the many advisers who have helped us grow so quickly and look forward with optimism to the next 12 months.’

Mark Henderson

Senior Partner, True Potential Investments.

The Science of Advanced Investing

During a time of political unrest, the pound falling and UK stocks dropping after the EU referendum vote was announced, the Portfolios have all performed positively, with attractive returns. We believe the credit for this success is our strategy of ‘Advanced Diversification’ and our commitment to looking forward, not back, when we rebalance and construct the Portfolios. For example, anticipating domestic unrest surrounding the Brexit vote, meant that we acted accordingly for our investors, strategically rebalancing the Portfolios, endeavouring to shield them from the fallout felt by UK stocks and commodities.

Mitigating risk from geographically concentrated volatility is just one of the benefits of our multi-asset Portfolios. We use the insight from multiple fund managers, including UBS Asset Management, Goldman Sachs, Allianz, Columbia Threadneedle, Schroders, SEI, Close Brothers and 7IM, who bring over 5,000 investment professionals in 200 locations and more than 120,000 individual holdings to the Portfolios. This gives our investors the scope to diversify their investments across location, asset class and the variety of investment styles employed by these world-renowned fund manager partners.

Our discretionary managed portfolios allow for our investment management team to be dynamic in the face of short-term volatility and redistribute assets where we see the greatest potential for growth.

We’re delighted with the performance of the Portfolios so far and look forward to the months ahead from a strong position.

If you would like to find out more about our True Potential Portfolios, please speak to your financial adviser

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